Good Girls Die Last - Natali Simmonds

Good Girls Die Last by Natali Simmonds is an emotional thriller and one of the best books I’ve ever read. I could not put it down!

The main character Em is every woman who’s ever been tossed aside, condescended, and silenced. She was taught from a young age to simply sit and watch. Her voice doesn’t matter. She is nothing but a disappointment to everyone, her mother and sister included.

One day she snaps, decides it’s time her voice is heard, and she suddenly becomes a hero to everyone. Everyone except herself. While using her voice has left women finally feeling empowered, valuable and worthy, Em is left, once again, wondering if life is even worth living. She finds herself on the run while still trying to please her mother, sister, and the only true love she’s ever known, Nikki. 

Simmonds tells the story earnestly and gives life to what women experience daily. I wanted to join Em in her fight and let her know she isn’t alone. I wanted to thank her for speaking out, not to get the last word or win, but to simply be heard, to be seen.

While reading this book, I felt nervous, angry, sad, and anxious. I was shaking my head, and at times I wanted to scream. By the time I reached the end, the weight of emotions was so heavy, I was speechless.

I don’t know that I’ve read any other book that resonates so deeply, and I hope this isn’t the last thriller Simmonds gives us.


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