The Elegant Warrior by Heather Hansen

    The Elegant Warrior by Heather Hansen is filled with great advice from cover to cover! Hansen takes lessons she’s learned as a trial lawyer and gives them a life application.

    While the stories take place in the courtroom, you’ll never feel like you’re reading a law school text book. Hansen has an ability to tell each story in a way that’s engaging, easy to understand and sometimes funny.

    The short length of each chapter allows you to read a little at a time without stopping in the middle of a story if you only have a few minutes, although I couldn’t put it down and got through it in a couple of sittings. There is something in here for everyone, and the summary at the end of each chapter gives the key takeaways that can be useful in a variety of situations, both complex and simple.

    I loved and was able to find a place in my life where each of these lessons can be applied. My favorite was the suggestion of keeping a laughter journal – sit down at the end of each day and write down three things that made you laugh.

    I plan to refer to this book often and read it over and over again.


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