Nowhere Girls by Teuta Metra

Nowhere Girls by Teuta Metra is a fantastic story that combines hope, heartache and victory. This emotional journey is led by three strong women –Alba, Ina and Sara.

While they all share the same goal of leaving behind a life of corruption in Albania, the three friends have very different methods of escaping. Alba will do whatever she can to get away - lie, cheat, steal – even use her loved ones. Ina’s top priority is keeping her kids safe, even if it means putting herself at risk. She’s forced to make decisions she’d otherwise never consider to ensure that her kids will have a better life than she did. 

And then there is Sara, who I choose as the hero of this book. She's someone that any woman would be lucky to have as a friend. Driven by ambition and a desire to never stop learning, she plans to achieve her own dreams while paving a better future for her husband and son at the same time. She also remains loyal to Alba and Ina, constantly checking in to make sure they’re okay. The strength of their friendship is tested when Ina gets in over her head, forcing Alba and Sara to set aside their differences and work together to save her son.

Metra creates a fantastic dynamic between these three ladies that makes you instantly love all of them in different ways. Alba will give you headaches along the way but she’s worth it!

As soon as I discovered Nowhere Girls, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I loved being let in to the lives of Sara, Alba and Ina. I don’t know if there is a sequel planned for this book or not, but I would love to catch up with the ladies and their children. I also want to know what Antoneta is up to!!


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