The Arch Pirate - Katherine Hastings

The Arch Pirate by Katherine Hastings is the fourth book in the Daggers of Desire series but serves as a prequel to the full story.
The main character, pirate Henry Avery, has recently stolen the Charles II and taken over as Captain. Avery was among the crew that the previous captain was holding hostage without pay. He is a believer in fairness and only sacrificing what, or who, is necessary. Avery makes it his mission to provide the crew he now leads with fortune that will last their families a lifetime. All they need to do is intercept a fleet of ships heading to India, mainly the Ganj-i-Sawei that is rumored to carry the largest fortune of all.
Avery and his crew anticipate the raid to be difficult but the biggest obstacle of all is her - young, beautiful Lady Aleida. When she finds herself aboard the Charles II, she wants nothing more than to get home safely. She’s been arranged to wed Albertus Van Riebeek, who recently set sail with her father, to help expand the Dutch East India Trading Company. She deeply misses her father. And while being forced to marry someone simply to provide her family with security isn’t her dream, she makes the quick decision she’d rather be there than stuck on a ship with pirates.
During their time together, she learns that Avery’s got a great sense of humor and a more than normal dose of integrity for a pirate. And while he’s been with his share of women, he admits repeatedly that he’s never met one like Lady Aleida. She’s beautiful, smart and kind. Along with both of them having exceptional good looks, sharing a common goal of security for a lifetime makes these two the perfect pair!
This long journey gives Avery a taste of what life away from the sea would be like and Aleida is able, for the first time in her life, to experience true freedom. But Hastings doesn’t let them get too comfortable in their “new” life. She makes them zig when they want to zag, causing their trek to India to be anything but relaxing. Their constant dodging of obstacles makes you feel just about every emotion you can feel – happiness, sadness, anger and relief. I was so frustrated for Avery and Aleida at times, I wanted to throw my book!
I’ve read every book in this series and they’re all phenomenal. Hastings delivered them to readers in perfect sequence. She casts a variety of characters throughout, and makes each of the memorable, even if they aren't lovable!
This book could be enjoyed by any reader as a stand-alone, but being dropped in fourth place in the series was perfect!! And if you’re going to read them all, do so in order.
Five stars for this one! And I hope this is not our last adventure with Avery and Aleida!


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