A War Within - Katherine Hastings

A War Within is a Civil War-era romance novel by Katherine Hastings. I was hesitant to pick up this book because of my lack of interest in history or war, but Hastings makes the read worth every minute. Once I started reading, I had to force myself to put it down.

We’re taken to France where we meet German Army Captain Auguste Leroux. We learn early that a failed mission causes his friends to now view him as an enemy. He knows his only option is to get out before things get worse for all of them. He’s eager to hide out in a small town to sort out a way to earn back their trust.

Auguste begins his journey to Besleuille. To blend in and stay busy, he starts looking for work. Just as he is getting used to his new job and living arrangements, Hastings knocks him off balance when his path collides with hers. She's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.

The adoration is mutual and Isabelle is absolutely smitten with Auguste. She is giddy like a school girl with her first crush. Hastings has blessed Auguste with good looks and many talents that he continues to reveal to her. How can she not adore him? 

As time goes on and they become friends, they fight the urge to take their relationship to the next level. They’re both wrestling feelings of guilt against their longing for happiness. And don’t forget the imminent danger of the war on the outside! German troops are heading straight into France.

Will their dreams be destroyed by secrets or gunfire?

Hastings has produced an amazing read with this novel. The characters are lovable, the plot engages you quickly, and your emotions are on a roller coaster that never slows down.


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